August 2020 Newsletter

2020 has been, without a doubt, the year of the unexpected. I’m sure you’ve seen the lists compiled and circulated on Facebook. It isn’t all bad news, for Chile. This year Santiago has had record rainfalls, which they desperately needed after a 13-year drought. Whether it’s the end of the drought or just a respite is anyone’s guess, but it was certainly a small good thing amidst so much change.

A global pandemic has changed the face of church and missions everywhere. Missionaries and ministers have struggled to decide what the “right” decision is, regarding church meetings and the continuation of ministries. Given that Chile eventually settled on putting all of their largest cities in complete lockdown, our church opted for switching completely online. We have more about this in the newsletter.

Although our missions changed in many ways, we are still doing everything we can to continue in our service to the global Church, and we want to let you know what that looks like now.

Mike’s Ministries

Mike’s primary goal has always been to teach and train leaders in Chile. Several years ago, with the help of several local ministers, he managed to get an institute started. The format has changed several times throughout these years, but the heart of it remains the same– to teach doctrine to those who wish to learn. The latest change in this series of changes, of course, was a transition to fully online classes through Zoom. Due to the constant need for Zoom meetings, both for Mike’s classes and for church use, we decided to pay for a subscription, so that we could get the best use out of it that we can. He is currently teaching three of his Institute classes.

Given the possibility of an expanded platform, however, he decided to offer an additional class, to anyone, anywhere. His first class had about 45 computers connected. We speak of computers, rather than students, because some of the accounts connected had more than one person sitting and listening from there. As is common in classes, eventually this number went down to 25 computers, but it has been holding steady there, and that is encouraging.

His students are mostly in the Santiago area, but also hail from other parts of Chile. Overall, it has been a good experience.

Mike also recently began a channel on YouTube, where he posts videos with teaching, as well as some of his sermons and classes. Feel free to visit and follow. Click on the following link to visit: Dosis de Doctrina

Tabi’s Ministries

In order to focus on translating the Commentary on Romans, regular translation and uploads of articles to Preguntas Teológicas has been suspended. In order to keep that page going for the time being, Tabi welcomes two things:

  • Translators willing to pick up a couple of short projects, and translate some articles to be published on the website.
  • Submissions of articles, especially in Spanish, for publishing on the website.

She will review all the work for a approval, but doesn’t have time for much more.

Progress on the book has been slow, but steady. She spends two hours a day translating, so that she can keep going on.

Iglesia de Cristo Maipo

Since the quarantine in our area has yet to be lifted, our church continues to meet online. They had been streaming exclusively on Facebook, but starting in August, they transitioned to doing part of it on Zoom, in order to provide more of a sense of community.

You can view the videos by visiting the page: Iglesia de Cristo Maipo.

The service is comprised of some pre-recorded material, edited to fit the format of the video, and some live material, streamed live on Sunday morning. Mike preaches two Sundays, and Jaime preaches two Sundays. In July, we had guests speakers send in sermons for a month focused on missions. We have done our best to maintain excellence, as well as encourage a sense of community. Through it all, though, we yearn for the day we can meet again, and see each other face-to-face.

We also have two Bible studies a week (different groups), as well as a prayer meeting.


Chile currently has enacted the longest quarantine during this pandemic. As of the 8th of August, it was 142 days long, with no clear end in sight. There is a plan, with stages, but no timeline for when they were going to actually go through with it.

We had a little bit of money saved up “for a rainy day”, and we finally decided that this was our rainy day. So on July 2nd, Tabi and the children traveled up to the United States to stay there for a month. The goal was to give the children a little bit of breathing room, as our house has restricted space, and they weren’t allowed to go out, even to a park or for a walk. The month spent there was a time of rest and blessing. We are deeply grateful to have had this opportunity.

We returned to Chile on July 31st, and have been in a strict, 14-day quarantine, with which we have complied.

What now?

So what do we do now? We still don’t know when quarantine will be lifted in our area, or if we will go back into lockdown if things don’t go well. What do we do with our ministries? The church? Our family?

We hold steady.

Mike will continue to give his classes online, as he has been doing. He has considered offering another massive class, once his current extra one has finished. It has had a good reception, and is reaching people he had not been able to reach before. He hopes, once the quarantine is lifted, to engage in “transitional classes” of sorts, that will occur in person but also be transmitted online for a time.

Iglesia de Cristo Maipo will continue to meet online, partly through Facebook and partly through Zoom. The Bible studies and prayer meetings will continue to meet online as well. When the quarantine is lifted, the possibility of having small reunions will be considered, but we try to comply with government and health standards as much as we are able. We are considering maintaining a presence online, at least for a while, until the transition has been made fully back to in-person gatherings.

Tabi’s translation will continue as it has, with two hours of dedicated time a day. She will also be focusing on schooling Lydia with the material provided by her school. For the time being, schools are not reopening, and we do not know when they will do that, so homeschooling is our option now. Tabi is using the materials provided by the school, as well as other various materials in English, in order to bolster that side of her education.

  • Pray for Chile and its leaders as they decide how and when to enact their plan for reopening.
  • Pray for those in lockdown who are in need of basic goods and services, and unable to work.
  • Pray for our church and its leaders as they decide best how and when to transition back to in-person gatherings.
  • Pray for Mike’s classes, as he finds ways to incorporate in-person classes, along with availability online.

Newsletter: August and September 2018

A newsletter that isn’t six months late?  WHAT?  Is there something wrong with me?  Shh.  Just enjoy it while it’s happening.

Regarding Furlough

Before we go any further, we’d like to let you all know that, thanks to some generous donations from friends and family, we will be able to make our furlough trip this year.  If you are a church that supports us, please check your email for a message from us.  We’d like to visit you this furlough!

Ok, moving on . . .

Regarding Ministries


IMG_20180817_181713August and September have been pretty great months!  The kids are transitioning into new, interesting stages.  They’re learning so much, and I love seeing how they grow!  As I have mentioned in previous letters/entries, we decided, as a family, to invest in year passes to our local zoo.  It’s educational for Lydia, and great for a day trip.  Lydia isn’t homeschooling yet, but I take every opportunity when we’re out to teach her something new.

There’s a section at the zoo that has to do with dinosaurs and archaeology.  Lydia really likes to “discover” the dinosaur buried in the sand.  We had quite a few really nice days, and it was good to get out of the house and let the kids play.

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I finished up the Discipleship class with Malli, and now we’re working on Basic Bible Doctrine and Hermeneutics.  Honestly, it’s been a real blessing, because the way she applies the knowledge I give her is just amazing.  I may have the book information, but she has the experience to apply it in ways that are wise.  I teach, but I also learn.

Women’s Fellowship

On September 8th, I participated in a Women’s Fellowship event.  I preached one of the sermons for the day.  I talked about attitudes that kill the spirit, and practical steps to address them.  The sermon was called “Emotional Cancers”.  It was a good day, and I made a lot of connections.

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Whenever we’re home all day, I keep up with websites and blogs.  At the moment, I manage a website, five blogs (and do occasional write-ins at another), the Facebook and Twitter pages for each of those blogs, and I write the newsletters.  It takes a lot of time, but I enjoy doing what I do.  See the bottom of this newsletter for links, if you’re interested in knowing what websites and blogs these are.


IMG-20180716-WA0022Mike has been teaching two short classes at two churches– Montijo (teaching Hermenutics) and Pudahuel (teaching Basic Bible Doctrine).  The Institute is currently on break, and will resume classes when we return from furlough.

He has also continued participating in meetings for ministers.  They formed the first group several years ago, seeking to encourage unity, spiritual growth, and mutual encouragement.  They’ve had their ups and downs, but have continued to meet regularly to study the Word and encourage each other.

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Church/Bible Study

Iglesia de Cristo 1The church has been doing well.  Most of the member attend faithfully every Sunday. The Wednesday night Bible study has begun streaming video, so that members who can’t make it then, can still listen in from their homes.  It includes a chat room where they can add comments if they have any.

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Minister’s Retreat

We attended a retreat for ministers and their wives.  There were services, workshops, a day trip to see the surrounding area, and a concert in the evening.  Overall, a nice experience.

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And that’s what we were up to in August!  Thanks for reading this, and we hope to see you soon.  Many blessings!

Mike and Tabi Boyce



Cornerstone Chilean Mission Website, Blog, Facebook
Preguntas Teológicas Website, Facebook, Twitter
El Discípulo Cristiano Website, Facebook
Dosis de Doctrina Website, Facebook
Tabicat Blog Website, Facebook

Dolled Up and Dapper

An Update on the Boyces

Written by:

I was noticing that, unless you follow either of us on Facebook, you have heard virtually nothing from us since October!  It’s time to correct that.  So, hold onto your hats, because we’re going for a fun ride!


Some friends of ours asked me to take some engagement pictures of them.  I gladly obliged!

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Noche de Luz (or Night of Light)
Lydia participated in a church event called Night of Light as an alternative to Halloween.  She went as Rey from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  Caleb went as Tigger.

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Reformation Day 2017
Starting back in August, I began posting the 95 Theses that Martin Luther nailed to the door.  I posted the last one on October 31st.  I made pictures out of them, so that they were visually engaging.  You can see the full series here.

The Institute
The institute was in full swing, with regular students and four teachers.  Every Tuesday and Thursday night.  Please visit the Facebook page to see more about it!

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I was invited to be an interpreter for a guest preacher at ICM.

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Fourteen Lessons on Grace
I finished translating a series I’ve been working on for a while now: Dr. Cottrell’s Fourteen Lessons on Grace.  If you are a Spanish-speaker, or know someone who is and want to recommend it, you can find the whole series here.

The Institute and Work
Classes continued.  Students attended pretty faithfully.  Mike also worked at his office three days a week, busy writing courses, contacting churches, and filming promotional materials for the Institute.  You can see the videos he and Habacuc Díaz have made together on the Institute’s YouTube Channel.  Check it out!

The Zoo
Mike and I purchased year passes to the zoo, so that we can take our kids regularly.  It has been a great and educational experience for Lydia.  While Mike works at his office, my main work is to be a mother.  You can see more about how my day goes here.  Some days, I take the kids to the zoo.  Mike has gone a few times, too, when the Institute is on summer break.  Here are some pictures I’ve taken at the zoo, the days that we do go.

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Leadership Retreat
Mike went on another retreat with just a few other men, to give them classes about Bible and leadership.  They spent a couple of days at the beach in study, prayer, and fellowship.

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Mike is invited to preach fairly often.  I’m listing it in December, but here’s a compilation of the various churches Mike has preached at.

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We spent Christmas Eve with our church group.  Lydia tried out her Christmas presents and made cookies.

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New Church in Lomas de Mirasur
Together with our neighbors and friends, Jaime and Malli, we began a work in our neighborhood.  At this point, the start-up church is meeting on Wednesdays.  We ask that you pray that this work be to the honor and glory of God.

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Our friends, Todd and Dany, got married!  Congratulations to them!  Incidentally, Dany is my future partner in the project of opening up the café.  I hope to write an update about her in the future, so you can get to know her a little more.

Family Retreat Las Peñas
Each year, Jaime and Malli organize a retreat at a retreat center up in the skirts of the Andes.  It’s a time to rest, fellowship, and spend time with family and friends.  Each year, Mike preaches one of the sermons.  This year, I did a workshop on rock painting.  People loved it!  I hope to do this again.  Each year there is also a clown troupe that does a show for the kids.  It’s wonderful, because they teach a Bible lesson in a fun and active way.

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And that brings us to:

With school on summer break, and everything in Santiago basically grinding to a halt because of vacation time, we’ve also taken a little time off.  Mike still goes to his office to work, but only twice a week.  And we took a couple of days to go to the beach.  Mike still managed to squeeze in an opportunity to teach at a camp for a day, but we’ve taken things at a slower pace, besides that.  Everything is scheduled to speed back up in March.

We ask for prayers for all of Mike’s ministries, and that I will be able to continue to find time to translate, since my blog traffic is holding steady.  We thank God for your ongoing support, and for all of you who have checked up on us regularly.  Thank-you, and may the Lord bless you!

In Him,

Mike and Tabi Boyce
(also Lydia and Caleb)


*Note: Original photos for the “Dressed and Dapper” photo, and the one where we’re dancing were taken by Donoso Carlhos.

* Note:  Original photos at the end of the blog were taken by Abraham Alarcón.