
As a family, we love God and His Word, and do our best to live according to His will. We follow Jesus’ Great Commission to “go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit”. As a mission, we endeavor to train and equip God’s people to continue the Great Commission. Though we are independent missionaries, we are accountable to the Eldership of Cornerstone Christian Church in Alliance, Ohio, and we have formed circles of friends who keep us humble and honest.


Background: Cornerstone Christian Church, Alliance, Ohio

Education: Attended Kentucky Christian College, transferred to Johnson Bible College (B.A. Missions). Cincinnati Christian University (M.A.R. Theology), 2007

Internships: Chile 2003 and 2004

“I went to college with missions in my mind and heart. I met my wife, Tabi, at JBC. We married in 2006. We left for Chile in December 2009. The goal of my ministry is to equip those who have a sincere desire to serve the Lord through a leadership role in the Church. By equipping these leaders, we can help accomplish the Great Commission. I am teaching classes that include various churches. I began with hermeneutics, basic doctrine, and preaching. I plan to continue to expand the offerings and work with more churches. In addition, I am currently involved in preaching and teaching.  Recently, we started an Institute (Seminario Bíblico Restauración).  We will be beginning our second year in March 2018.”


Background: Missionary kid, from Cuernavaca, Mexico

Education: Johnson Bible College (B.A. Bible and Media Communications), 2007

“I went to college to study media. While at JBC I realized that foreign missions tugged at my heart in the strongest way. I met Mike there, who helped channel my passion in the direction of Chile. I would like to support Mike in whatever way I can. I am currently working on a number of exciting projects. I am working with Daniela, a Chilean friend, toward starting a Christian coffee house, I maintain a blog with theological and ministerial articles that I translate from English to Spanish (preguntasteologicas.com), and have recently finished translating a book (God Most High, by Dr. Jack Cottrell).”


Background: Missionary kid, born in Santiago, Chile

Lydia is our first child.  She has a great memory, and likes to memorize numbers, lists, and song lyrics.  She also likes to pretend her little brother doesn’t exist.


Background: Missionary kid, born in Santiago, Chile

Caleb is our second child.  He’s strong and active, and likes to crawl everywhere, stand up wherever he can, and babble away at us.


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